About » Administrative Team

Administrative Team

Categorical Program Advisor/TSP Coordinator

/I am Mr. Rivera and I am happy and excited to begin the next chapter of my educational career here at Gil Garcetti Learning Academy as the Categorical Program Advisor/TSP Coordinator. I have been with the Los Angeles Unified School District for the past 23 years serving as an Elementary teacher, School Coordinator and Administrator. I received a Bachelor of Science in General Studies from the University of Southern California and a Masters in Educational Administration from California State University, Dominguez Hills. Throughout my roles, I have served students from the South and Central areas of Los Angeles with a focus on English Learners. As Title I Coordinator/TSP Advisor and an Administrator, I have ensured that are federal mandates at the school site have been met, ensured technology was made available to students and have ensured that their educational needs have been met. I will continue to follow the school’s vision and mission and ensure all students continue to achieve and grow.